Friday, March 28, 2014

Bring on (all) the new babies!

Today was one of my favorite days of the year again -- Kindergarten Round-Up. I can barely believe it, but this was my 6th kindergarten round-up! I love everything about this day -- the innocence and excitement pouring out of the little ones and being able to share my excitement and passion with the new parents. I especially love seeing the familiar faces in the crowd when parents of former students have new ones to send to school! Some of these little ones were actually born the year I had their big brothers and sisters. So fun!!

This day always make me think and reflect on my job. Even on the difficult years, I fall in love with my class each and every year. By the 3rd and 4th quarters, these kids really "belong" to me -- in fact, we belong to each other. They know how I talk/work/think/do things and I know them so well, I can usually anticipate their actions and answers before they happen. We fit together like a puzzle this time of year. Let's be honest -- they are so well trained. They are so independent, things run smoothly and routinely everyday (except for the occasional speed bumps!), and we have truly become a family.

But, that independence and skill means one thing -- that they can't stay with me for much longer. It's time for those little birdies to leave the nest. 

And every year, I think that I could never love another class like I love this class. But, I always do. 

So, we get ready to usher in our new batch of kinder babies. And, that's exactly what they are at this point -- babies. This year, however, my August will be unique and different than the past 5 have been. As I am welcoming and learning to love this group of other peoples' babies... Tyson and I will be welcoming our own little one. My life and my heart is about to become a whole lot fuller.

I've spent the last 5 years of my life utterly devoted to my job. My job has been my life -- not only my bread-and-butter but also my hobby. I'm not saying it's healthy -- it's probably not -- but I'm not afraid to admit I've been a little obsessed with my job. 

I nearly cried when I found out my due date. Don't get me wrong, we are thrilled about our coming addition, the timing was just a little surprising! The beginning of the year is essential to me. I spend it not only getting to know my students and letting them know me, but also setting up routines, discipline, respect, and expectations within my classroom that will keep us afloat for the year. Without these, our ship will surely sink. No... to be more clear, we would barely stay afloat, but I would be one weary captain!!

But, I have to remember -- they are my babies for one year. This one will be mine for life.

I loved meeting my new little ones today. They will undoubtedly change so much between now and August, but their bright, excited smiles will be the same! At the same time, today not only made me reflect on how much I appreciate and love my current students, but also forced me to look forward to a new, ground-breaking time in my own life. 

August... take your time getting here. This teacher/mama has a lot of work to do!!

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