Monday, April 21, 2014

All about babies

So, my class is honestly OBSESSED with babies right now. They are so into the "baby in Mrs. A's tummy." They are so sweet and funny about it -- and so observant. Somedays, I come in and the kids just say: "Wow! Your tummy is so big today!" I even got an adorable e-mail from a parent saying his daughter (who has some developmental delays) plays "baby" almost every night. She puts a stuffed animal under her shirt and says she is Mrs. A with a baby in her tummy. CUTE!

Here are a few things I have loved (and that have made me laugh) lately:


Student: "I don't get it. My mom has had 4 babies a long time ago -- and her stomach is still big like yours!"


Student 1: "I know why we are animals. A long time ago before there were humans, there were these different types of seeds. And they all grew and grew into different kinds of animals and one of them was humans."
Student 2: "And, I know why boys can't have babies and only the girls do. Boys are too skinny."


Dear Mrs. A - What are you gonna name your baby? How about Samantha.

That is a good idea.


I LOVE this book about babies this little guy made. He got a little sister this year also, so he's really into babies.

Babies come out of mommy's tummies.

Babies are small. Babies are fun.

Babies eat milk. Babies like to be held.

They go to the doctors to get out of the tummy. They go potty in their diaper.

They can walk when they're 1 and 2.


The kinders have been anxiously awaiting to hear if my baby is a boy or girl. Today, they got to find out!! I gave them each a candy bar (with their eyes closed) and told them to open and read the word they saw. They immediately recognized one of our high-frequeny words from the year -- and actually caught onto the trick right away!! :) They were so excited.


This has nothing to do with babies........... BUT, I don't care if you have been teaching kindergarten for 25 years. When little boys come to school with their jeans on backwards... it will ALWAYS be hilarious. Literally -- back pockets in the front, zipper down the back. Hilarious. I, of course, wrote "Check out my sweet pants." in cursive on a sticky note and sent him to see my 2 kindergarten teammates.

And yes -- if you need to send a funny/confidential/inappropriate note with a kid... write it in cursive. :)

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