Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sharing the news with the kinders

Today, I told my kids the "big news."

I had paper and pencil ready to go because I knew I wanted to remember what they said. :)

So, here is how it went:

Mrs. A: "Boys and girls... I have some news I want to share with you. But first, I was wondering if you have noticed anything different about your teacher lately."
Student 1: "You have a new shirt on."
Mrs. A: "Good guess, but it's something about my body."
Student 2: "Your hair is messy today."
Mrs. A: "Thank you for that... but no."
Student 3: "You're really happy."
Student 4: "You aren't wearing your step counter today." (pedometer - ha!)
Mrs. A: "Good guesses, but that's not it. It's something on me that is getting bigger."
Student 5: "Your tummy!"
Mrs. A:" Yeah! You're right. My tummy is getting big and round. Why do you think that is?"
..... silence....

Mrs. A: "Well, let me help you with that. I'm going to put up a picture on the screen. It's a picture I took of you guys a couple weeks ago. Do you remember when I had you hold up those letters and I took your picture?"
[Students nod.]
Mrs. A: "Well, I'm sorry but I didn't tell you the truth when we did that. I told you the signs said 'Happy Valentine's Day' and they actually said something else. But, I think you will like what they say." (I had used the picture as my "reveal" at work a week ago).

Mrs. A: "Let's read it together."
All together (as I point to the words on the screen): "Mrs. A.... is.... having... a... baby."
.... silence...
The kids start to slowly read it over and over again.
Student 1: "(gasp!) You're having a baby!"
Mrs. A: "Yes I am! Where do you think the baby is?"
Student 2: "In your tummy!"
Mrs. A: "Yes, and that is why my tummy is getting bigger. Because the baby is getting bigger."
Student 3: "How big is it going to get?"
Mrs. A (holding my hands out): "Probably about this big."
Students: "Whoa."
Mrs. A: "So, I wanted you to know why it's getting bigger -- because there's a baby in there. If you have any questions, you can always ask me."
Student 4: "Wow. That is going to be tough." 
Mrs. A: "What is? Taking care of a baby?"
Student 4: "No. Getting the baby out of there."
Student 5: "I know it's going to be a tiny baby because your tummy isn't that big."
Student 6 (and about ten other kids): "What are you going to name it?"
Student 7: "I know something about babies. They come out on their birthdays."

Too cute. They were super excited. A couple of my little darlings just smiled and said, "Congratulations, Mrs. A!" It was a big day in our classroom -- and I'm pretty sure they're going to be super excited tomorrow. :) One of them told me as he was walking out the door: "I can't wait until your tummy gets bigger I can talk to the baby."

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